After our city break it was again time for beautiful scenery. Chapada dos Guimaraes in the Mata Grosso region sounded just the ticket - an area of weird and wonderful formations of bright red rock, long beautiful canyons, waterfalls and cool, refreshing rivers to swim/float in.
We had wanted to check out Cidade de Pedra (Stone City), where the ragged sandstone formations look like city ruins, but local authorities had temporarily closed this attraction, restricting access due to wear and tear. Instead we headed into the Parque National and went to see the tallest waterfall in the park at 86m, Cachoeira Veu de Noiva. The heat was stifling so we headed off to swim in a Brazilian-termed 'near by' river - 3km away! Sweaty was not the word, t-shirt was soaked through by the time we got to the river. Spent a pleasant afternoon idling on the river bank, and in the river itself!
Belated birthday celebrations for Pete and Jane were had in Guimaraes. DJ Francois was employed to belt out decent tunes, Duncan and Kirsten were on hand to make tasty homemade Caiprihinas. Dinner was a three course meal of cheese on sticks for starters, tender beef for our main and sweet brioche with candles for a dessert treat.
Getting into the chillaxing spirit, another day we lounged about a smaller waterfall reading, enjoying the peaceful quiet, and chatting to our Belgian guide, Lynn, who came to Brazil for 4 months, and ended up marrying a Brazilian and has been here 5 years now. It is nice to unwind and simply do nothing or a few days. We are all so laid back now that I fear we will be unable to generate the energy required to do trekking in the Amazon.
Look at the pretty butterflies! So jealous ? :)